

Traceable coffee ensures that the supplier gets to know the people behind the coffee and the way in which their farm operates (whether workers are exploited, machinery used, farming methods, etc). Knowing the people translates to knowing their ethics and knowing their workers are cared for.

We offer the highest quality Single Origins that are all either Rain Forest Alliance certified or are traded as traceable back to the farm co-op. Each bag of socially responsible beans contributes towards the sustainable improvement of farming communities and the propagation of justice throughout the coffee industry by respecting worker’s rights, fair pay, education and investment back into the community. It’s not a comprehensive solution to a huge commodity market coloured with inequality and injustice, but is a step in the right direction for the future.

To make a difference, demand ethically produced coffee. Coffee that has been grown, harvested and traded under conditions that respect people and their right to earn a fair wage for their hard work. Where the farmers and communities are invested into rather than taken advantage of for their product.

Buy coffee that has been produced ethically. That guarantees better conditions for workers and a decent wage. Look for the Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance or UTZ Certified logos to get you started. These ethical certification schemes provide a credible guarantee that social and environmental standards have been adhered to by the producing companies.

Around 125 million people rely on coffee for their livelihoods. Not your favourite local cafe, or your workmates in the early morning, but the people that grow and harvest coffee. Many of these people are living in poverty and are not getting paid a living wage for their labour. Some are being exploited for their labour. Some may even be children. – Source: World Vision

Please contact us through our Contact Page for more information.

Find out more from those who want to know the growers, know their ethics.

Melbourne Coffee Merchants

Mercanta Coffee Hunters

Other Excellent Ethical Australian Roasters:

Five Senses Coffee